Chris and I both were thinking yesterday that it didn't seem like Elijah was as chunky as he had been. I wondered if he had gone through a growth spurt and so I got the tape measure out. Sure enough, in the last 2 1/2 weeks, he has grown 1 1/4 inches! So I guess that was a resounding YES.
We have been noticing that he is trying to crawl. Seriously. He isn't even 5 months yet. He can push his entire chest up, get his legs underneath him, and lurch forward a bit. Or, he just curls up his toes while on his belly and will scootch forward that way. I am so not ready for crawling. He isn't suppose to be starting this for a few more months. Why can't my babies just like to be babies for awhile. Sigh. It just goes way to fast. If he doesn't do that, he will just roll to wherever he wants to go.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Holy growth spurt batman
Posted by Melissa at 5:52 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
A travelin we will go
It has been a whirlwind week. Last Monday we had the car all packed up and left out on our great summer adventure. Tonight is the first night I am finally able to sit down and blog about it all. Here is everyone right before we set out. First stop, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Miles: 535.
I was wondering just how long those smiles would last. Thankfully, due to the video player, it lasted just about the whole time with the girls. Eli was the one I was really worried about. He had been going through a phase where he always wanted to be held.
Well, Eli would get cranky of course when he was hungry, so I would just pop on back and give him a bottle. When he would get tired or would just need some attention either Chris or I (depending on who was driving of course) would just sit back there for awhile. He did absolutely wonderful. After about 9 hours or so on the road we finally got to our hotel. Ah sweet hotel stay number 1. It was probably one of the best hotels I've stayed in. We had an awesome continental breakfast. Definitely spoiled us for the rest of the trip. We unload the car and got to relax for a little while. Morning came way to earlier, packed up the car for the second leg of the trip. Next stop, Sturgis, South Dakota. Miles: 375.
Call me crazy, but I absolutely love the state of South Dakota. I loved being back in this state and I was so looking forward getting back to the Black Hills. The kiddos all did amazing, again. We stopped in the Badlands to get a tshirt that we weren't able to get last time we were there, then hopped back in the car for the final miles to our hotel stay numbers 2 and 3 in Sturgis. It was nice to be in a hotel for a couple of days this time. We got to the hotel and relax for a short time and then we headed over to one of the elders house for some good home cooked dinner. Such a nice change to the garbage we had been eating on the road. It was such a great time of fellowship. It had been a couple of years since we had seen them and it was so nice to see our friends again. They got to hear from Chris about what all he has been doing in school and they were very impressed with what they had been learning. We got back to the hotel really late that night. After the girls were in bed I leaned in to give Samantha a kiss on her forehead and she was burning up. Blah! Out Chris goes to hunt down some Tylenol. Luckily her fever broke a few hours later. She caught a bit of a cold but was doing good the next morning.
On Wednesday we decided to go and take a tour of a mine. This one to be exact:
We waited just a short time...
30 minutes later, tour over. It was ok, just not as good as I was expecting. See...proof we all made it out!
(Do I really look that fat in person? Really? Chris said what do you expect, you just had a baby 4 months ago, and it's not like you have a personal trainer. I say, that's no excuse. I look gross. Again, do I seriously look like that?)
We also took a drive through Spearfish canyon since we weren't able to our first time in the Black Hills. Ah, such amazing beauty. I would live here if I could I love it so much. Stopped to take a picture of one of the waterfalls. Ok, I did more than take a picture. I ignored the do not hike signs (in all fairness, EVERYONE ignored the sign) and hiked over to the base of the waterfall. It was the first one I had ever seen and it was just beautiful.
Then, back to the hotel where we all rested for a few hours before heading over to the church. The wonderful ladies there had a potluck dinner for us and then it was time for Chris to preach. It was his first time preaching for them, and it turned out I was far more nervous than he was. I just wanted them to see what a great blessing the school has been. He did really good and they were all very please. Whew. We ended up staying there and vising with everyone for a few hours afterward and again got back to the hotel quiet late.
Then, pack up the car again and head to hotel number 3. Next stop, Mankato, MN. Miles: 550.
Goodbye Black Hills, I will miss you
OK, as much as I love South Dakota, driving through the state twice in just a couple of days...not so much fun. It takes about 5 1/2 hours to drive across it, and a lot of the land is, well, flat. And boring. Just fine once, but to go through twice in just a few days was hard. As if the state knew that you would need a break from the boringness, it gets really beautiful again by the Missouri River. Which, by the way, is so amazingly clear up there. We just get the muddy mess by the time it gets down here to Missouri. The flat and vast land starts to roll a bit.
And then quite a bit more. The pictures really doesn't do it justice. It is really pretty. (just don't mind the buggy smeared windshield.
Then pop over a hill and tada...the clear Missouri River.
Then, back to flat land. No need for pictures. Chris actually drove all the way through. We stopped back in Sioux Falls for some lunch and then I drove the rest of the way to Mankato. pictures. Although, most of the drive wasn't much different than in South Dakota. Most of the drive was in Minnesota but bordering on lots and lots of flat farm land. Finally get to Mankato. Same old, same old. Unpack the car, sleep, pack it back up.
Final stop, Virginia, MN. Miles: 276.
Can I just say, driving through St. Paul/ NOT FUN! The roads were a mess, the drivers were bad, and our Tom Tom thingy told us to get off on an exit when we were suppose to stay on the highway. We finally got back on though and were back on our way. Road construction going on, of course, as it was the entire trip. So here is where it got a bit interesting. When we were in the Black Hills the TCS (traction control system) button went off as well as the check engine. Grrrr. We were hoping it would resolve itself because my van likes to let the check engine light come on for no reason. The next morning, all warning lights were off. Then, about an hour into when I was driving it came back on. The car wasn't doing anything differently, on we drove. Well, we stopped for gas about 90 miles from Virginia. Chris was accelerating hard to get back on the highway and it starts to sputter. My heart stopped. Here we are in the middle of no where. I was just thinking please don't die, please don't die. He let off the gas and it was fine. About 20 miles later (and both of us just praying we get here) he goes to pass a car, accelerates heavy, same thing happens.
So um, yeah. Here we are hundreds of miles from home and we are having car problems. We having been driving around just a little around town and if he doesn't accelerate too fast it is fine. We can't get it in the shop until Thursday. We are just hoping and praying that it isn't something too expensive because 1) we don't exactly have just tons of money sitting in the bank and 2) it's not like we can GET to our bank to deposit what little money we have in savings. What ticks me off even more is the fact that we just put about $1,000 into this stupid car before we left so we could AVOID this exact problem. We had all the belts changed out, new tires put on, oil and fuel whatever changed. If it is going to be a costly fix I don't know what we are going to do. Chris thinks it is some sensor du-hicky (sorry, don't know car lingo). He said if it is what he thinks it is, he will be surprised if it gets fixed for less than 500 bucks. Yup, that number makes me sick to my stomach. We have never had a problem with this thing. Ever. Until now of course. I hate that they couldn't get it in sooner because now I just get to keep thinking about it.
Guess we will do what we have to do. For now we are just hanging out and enjoying some amazing weather. Low 70's at the end of July. Ah, a girl could get use to this!
(And no, Samantha is still not letting me take her picture. She won't look at me, let alone smile)
Whew, and that now brings us up to date.
Posted by Melissa at 7:11 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Samantha has been really difficult to take pictures of lately. She just won't smile for the camera. And if you noticed that in most of her pictures she is with Elijah, that is because well, in real life she is always with Elijah. Or so it seems. If he isn't being held, she is right there with him.
She was reading a book to brudder.
This is what I got when I asked her to smile!
Hard to get a picture unless, of course, she is sleeping!
Posted by Melissa at 5:41 AM 0 comments
I was trying to get comparison pictures of Faith and Elijah, both in their Jumperoo at about the same age. I was hoping to get the same expressions, but no such luck. Still, I think you can definitely see the resemblance!
Posted by Melissa at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Well, we are now down to 7 days before we leave for our big summer adventure. I'm freaked to say the least! I feel like I still have so much to do by next Monday and not much time to do it in. A lot of what I need to do can't be done until a few days before, and to make matters worse we will be leaving Saturday to visit a congregation that supports Chris. So we will be leaving sometime Saturday afternoon and not getting back until probably late Sunday afternoon, and then we have a going away dinner after services on Sunday evening. I foresee a very late Sunday night for me!
It's just hard knowing I have to pack for a family of 5 for a month. Ok, technically 4 since Chris will be packing himself. And where we are going is on the cool side and so I have to not only pack clothes for the heat, when we will be in South Dakota for a few days, but also long sleeves, jeans, and light jackets for when we will be in Minnesota. AND Elijah just happens to be right in the middle of sizes. Some 3-6 month stuff is getting small but some of the 6-9 month stuff is still too big. What do I pack! Who knows what kind of growth spurt he will hit while we are there. So do I just pack the things that fit him right now and a few things that are bigger? Oh yeah, and I have to guess at that for his long sleeve stuff. Agggggggggg! Did I mention I was freaked?
I have a list of clothes to be packed in our hotel bags, organized into who will be wearing what for each day until we get to Minnesota 5 days later. That should help with the packing process. I'm going to be packing the clothes that the kids will be wearing in MN in a vacuum bag.
I'm trying to figure out what we will be needing for the 5 day road trip, things to do in the car for the kids, things we will need while driving, things for the hotel. And trying to keep it all organized! Just trying to keep it all straight on what we will need immediately, in the car, that we will be able to easily find yet keep things hopefully clean. I think what I'm going to do for the girls is buy them a backpack and fill it with things to do in the car and that they can easily take with them into the hotel, including Faith's baby and Sam's kitty that they always sleep with. I thought that way it would be easily accessible for in the car and it also gives them stuff to play with while in the hotel.
I'm also worried about how Elijah will be in the car. We have a lot of driving ahead of us and he is in a phase right now where he likes to be held. We are hoping if we just sit back there with him when he gets fussy that that will calm him down. It works on Sunday's on our long drives, but this drive will be much much longer.
While obviously anxious about getting everything done, I'm also so very excited. It has been 2 years since we have seen the people in Sturgis and I can't wait to see them again. One of the elders called yesterday and I answered the phone, it was the first time I, personally, have talked to him on the phone in almost 2 years. We have sent emails, but it was so nice to hear his voice again. Just got me even more excited! And then after that getting to go to a state and town that I have never been in. I just can't wait. It is going to be such an uplifting trip and hopefully we will be able to help others recharge their batteries as well. It has been 2 years since we have been on a vacation. While not technically a vacation, it will still be all of us, together, seeing some things for the first time.
Life is just full of adventures!
So...7 days and counting.
Posted by Melissa at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
My big boy!
Today Elijah had his 4 month well-check.
He is now up to 15 lbs, 12 oz and is 25 1/4 inches long. He is in the 75% for both. He is already outgrowing 3-6 month onesies and some of his pj's are getting small. Sigh, it goes by way to fast!
Posted by Melissa at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
4 months...already!
Yesterday Elijah was 4 months old. He has his well-check tomorrow morning so I guess I will find out what my little chunky monkey is up to. Here is a list of milestones I found:
* Your baby can raise herself up on straightened arms while lying on her tummy and look all around.
Most babies should be able to . . .
* Hold up head at 90 degree angle while on stomach
* Bear weight on both legs
* Goo and coo when you talk
* Laugh and smile
Some babies will probably be able to . . .
* Grasp a rattle or toy
* Pay attention to small object held in front of his or her face
* Roll over
* Reach out for objects
* Do small mini push ups
Some babies could possibly be able to . . .
* Turn in direction of familiar voices
* Hold head level with body when pulled to sit
* Sit without support
* Make a razzing sound
* Get upset if you take a toy away
Ge does most of these things except sit without support and get upset if you take a toy away. It is so amazing to watch him grow. In the last few weeks he has figured out he has feet. If he manages to get them up high enough, they go right in his mouth too. He has also been getting really good with his hands and can grab and play with some toys now. Makes driving distances a lot better now that he has SOMETHING to do. He definitely recognizes me, Chris, and the girls. We get huge smiles out of him if he sees us looking. I'm the only one he does this with, but if I even just talk to him he will start laughing like I told the funniest joke. I love it! He can see quite a ways now and can tell when I am coming to get him at a distance.
He has been rolling over from his back to his belly for a little while now. Although I suspect he has been able to do this for awhile as well, yesterday was the first time I witnessed him going from his belly to his back. Since it was the first time I saw it, that is what I'm going to record it as. And actually I didn't technically see it, I just saw him 1 second and he was on his belly, the next he was on his back.
He is starting to get a preference for me, just as the girls did. I attribute that to the fact that I am home all day with him, get up at night with him, etc. The girls were like this too until just past a year. Someone at a church we were visiting tried holding him. He started crying after a few seconds and so I took him back. He stopped crying immediately and started smiling again. Is it bad if I secretly love it when they do this???
He is such a happy baby. He of course cries if he is board, but if he is picked up he is just fine. If he is really crying even when held it is just because he is hungry or tired. I have also been noticing a routine, which is really nice. He eats at the same time and I can tell when he is sleepy.
Switching from breastfeeding to formula went more smoothly than I could have ever hoped for. It made the decision so much easier when I gave him a bottle of forumla for the first time and he drank it like he had been drinking formula and a bottle the whole time. Even though he had never even had a bottle. He is now eating 29 oz. He gets 5 oz 3 times a day and 7 oz twice a day. It really seems to be a good combo for him. Some days he spits up worse than others. Not sure what that is about. Sometimes he won't spit up at all, other days he can't hardly keep anything down. It never seems to bother him.
He is also starting to get his hair back. He still has a mohawk, but it is filling in on the sides now too.
It is just so much fun to see his personality coming out. Right now it seems like he has a mixture of his sisters in him. Sometimes he can't stand being alone (like Faith) other times he is perfectly content playing by himself (like Samantha).
Posted by Melissa at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
4th of July
We have had such a great 4th of July weekend. We had a get together on Friday night with people from church and shot off fireworks. Exhausting, but definitely fun. Then we got to get up nice and early this morning where we headed to a parade. Again, had a lot of fun. We got to ride on a float and support our fellow brother in Christ during his run for House rep. It was so great seeing the response from the people in the crowd as well. I was surprised how many people clapped and cheered. Makes me think we may just be able to get the House and Senate a little more balanced out. Fingers crossed!
I am just so thankful that we have the freedoms that we have. I'm thankful for the men and women who fought to give us these freedoms and I hope that none of us take advantage of this. I am also so very thankful for those who are still fighting to ensure not only our freedom but those in other countries as well.
I have pictures from the parade, but I'm really, really tired and so I'm not going to get them off of my camera tonight. Hopefully will post them tomorrow.
I hope all of you also had a wonderful holiday!
Posted by Melissa at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
More pictures
Faith is singing...using a disney book...
She looks so grown up here!
Need to get more pictures of Sammy. She is really hard to catch on camera!
Posted by Melissa at 6:41 AM 0 comments