Here is how our conversation went yesterday:
Faith: Mama, I prayed to God in my bed.
Me: That's very good Faith. It makes God very happy when we pray to him.
Faith: Yeah. I asked him if you could have a boy and a girl.
Me: Me just about dying asked God if I could have TWINS?!?
Faith: Yeah, that way they could play together in your belly.
Ah yes, the wisdom of a 3 year old. I would hate for a baby in my belly to not have a playmate! I'm thinking we don't need to be reading the Dora book where her mom has B/G twins anymore!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Musings of a 3 year old
Posted by Melissa at 6:01 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
That's not fair
Right now I have some lyrics from Rod Stewart running through my head. I hate that I'm feeling that way. I know I shouldn't feel that way. God has blessed us far more than we ever deserve. Yet, when I hear about a certain situation going on right now I want to act like a baby, stomp my foot, and yell THAT'S NOT FAIR! I am so mad at myself for feeling this way, and I'm praying for forgiveness. I don't need these negative thoughts and feelings in my life, and I know it isn't Godly in the slightest. I know we all have our faults, and I am definitely working on it.
Here's the lyrics:
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
Posted by Melissa at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The downside of having a spit-uper and being on solids
What goes down orange must come up orange.
And after seeing this, Samantha replies, "That's disgusting".
Yes dear, yes it is.
Posted by Melissa at 1:24 PM 0 comments
6 month post, already!!!
I can't believe Elijah is a half year old already. It just doesn't seem possible. I will have to post pictures later because my camera battery died and is charging up.
He has been doing so much lately. He started crawling a couple of weeks ago, which just blows my mind. It can go anywhere he wants with no problems. It is so hard to keep the floor clean of little stuff with Faith and Samantha around so I'm constantly on the lookout. He is also pulling to a sitting position by himself from his tummy. He will just sit there until he is ready to move onto something else. He isn't saying anything with syllables yes, is just still cooing. If I remember right I believe the girls were that way too. They were really quick with the motor skills and just a little bit slower on the verbal skills. From what I understand that's usually the way they are. They will zoom through on one and will take a little longer on the other.
I just started him on solids last Monday. He had cereal all last week and then we started green beans yesterday. He loves them and gobbled it right up. And yeah, I have always waited until right at 6 months until I start solids. There really is no other reason except that I don't like changing routines. Adding solids makes me change the whole eating routine and trying to figure out what works in regards to how much formula he gets. What can I say, I'm lazy and I don't like change!
He sleeps from usually about 8:30 to 4:30. Then he gets a bottle and then will be back to sleep until about 7:30. I wasn't sure if he was waking up at 4:30-5:00 out of habit or because he really was hungry and so I checked with the doctor, just to be sure. She said more than likely he really is hungry since it has been about 8 hours since he ate. I just wanted to be sure because I don't want him waking up just out of habit thinking he gets to eat when he really isn't hungry.
95% of the time he gets put down in his crib awake and will fall asleep on his own. Most of the time he will fight it if we are holding him but if he gets put down he will go to sleep. Such a nice change from when Faith was a baby! He just gets his pacifier, his blanket, and he is good to go. He absolutely loves his blankie. And I know what you are thinking...a blanket...nooooooo, they aren't suppose to sleep with a blanket! I know, I know, but it is an afghan. There is absolutely no way he can suffocate in it. He loves slipping his fingers through it, pulling it up over his face, and going to sleep. Since he sleeps with it pulled over his head it is the only type of blanket I will let him sleep with.
His doctor appointment was today and he is now 17lbs, 15 oz and is 27 inches long. He is in the 50% for weight and 75% for height. I thought he would be in a higher percentile for weight because the boy is a little chunk. He has slimmed down a bit though since he started crawling. A lot of times when we are holding him he will just squirm like you wouldn't believe because he wants to get down and crawl around.
I have one huge huge grip about my peds office. The urgent care is right there next to the peds, it's just one big room basically. We were there today and there was a woman in a wheelchair because she was so sick, covered in a blanket, shaking, coughing (they finally came over and gave her a mask), and she was sitting right there in the peds section instead of over by urgent care. I was furious. One, they should have told her to move away from the peds section, two they should have had her in a room right away so they don't get others sick. They have the well-check kids off in a separate area but you still had to walk right by this lady to get to the front desk. One of the other women in the well check area was fuming mad too as she was in with her 1 week old. First off, why would you put urgent care right next to the peds, secondly, why would you have someone this sick just sitting right out in the open, where everyone had to walk right by. Just crazy!
Posted by Melissa at 11:13 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
In our preachers wives class our teacher wants us to tell of a good memory of our mothers at our next class. It shouldn't be that hard. Yet one or two is all I can come up with. I have a whole bank of bad memories. I mean, that can't be right can it? Are my bad memories just overwhelming the good ones? It's not like I was abused or anything. Yet I have a very limited amount of good memories. Was she the best mother, no...but I know she wasn't the worst either.
I wish she had never asked us this question because it's making me think of a lot of things that I had pushed down and out of my thoughts. It's making me reflect on some moments that I hadn't thought about as being bad, and seeing them through an adults view and thereby realizing just how bad it was. More and more moments keep popping up like that and I hate it. It's things I don't want to think about. Things about my childhood, before the age of 12, when I thought things weren't so bad. After the age of 12, forget about it, there isn't anything good I can come up with.
Like when I flipped my friends Jeep Cherokee 3 times across a highway in Dallas at 2 in the morning when I was 16, in which somehow no one was hurt (my friend had passed out after hitting her head on the roof of the car since she was sleep in the back seat and almost fell out the back hatch back when the back door ripped off, but she was alright). The cops had to take me back to the police station and kept asking me how to contact my mom so she could come and get me. I couldn't give them an answer. I had no idea where she was. That was a daily occurrence. My friends mom finally came and they let me go home with her so I wouldn't have to stay there at the station all night. And yes, staying out at 2am was a pretty regular thing for me at that age, even during school days. I had no parental guidance, sadly enough.
Once I became a Christian and I was around more families, I saw what I had been missing. Before then I didn't realize just how abnormal it was. Then it just made me sad that I didn't have the type of relationship with my mom that many other women have. After I saw how a real relationship was suppose to be it really made me sad that I didn't, and don't, have that with my own mother.
Maybe that's why that book I'm reading on Spiritual Mothering hit so close to home.
Posted by Melissa at 5:57 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
Why do I always have such a mish mash of things?
Remember that message just a few spots below on the email I have been waiting for. Yeah, still waiting. Sent another email Tuesday. Still nothing. I am hurt beyond words at the blatant disrespect by someone I considered a friend. I mean I brought something up, she offered something more to said plan and said she had to check on something before she could say for sure. That was at the beginning of August. The time for said plan is now coming and going very quickly. As in it will be squashed if I don't hear back in the next couple of days. Needless to say if I don't hear back there will be no more emails. Like I said, I'm just frustrated and completely hurt.
Ah well, just had to vent. I'm sure I'm just being oversensitive. As usual.
We are very quickly coming upon Elijah's 6 month mark. Absolutely unbelievable. I will be posting an update on him in a few days with all the goody information.
We have really hit a good routine here in our household. Which is the first time in about a year. It feels absolutely wonderful and I don't feel like I am so skatterbrained anymore. We are still continuing our daily morning bible studies, obviously, but now we are adding in some light schooling too. We are still going through our letters and sound as well as doing copywork for whatever letter we are working on. Throughout the last few months we have been doing the letter of the week program but quite frankly, it is moving way to slow for Faith. She is picking up most letters after the first day. I think we will be moving on to 2 letters a week from now on. 1 letter for a few days, and then moving on to another letter for a few days. We review every letter and its sound everyday. I have also started doing Phonics with her using the Phonics Pathways book. So far so good. I have to admit, teaching someone how to read, for me, is the most intimidating part. It's such a vital part of everything.
Samantha is picking up on some letters to since she sits with us at the table. I'm hoping that means it will be that much easier to teach her to read when the time comes. They still love doing the activities too so we will be keeping that. I've been working with Faith on counting to 50 too. She gets all the numbers until it's time to move up to 30, 40, or 50. She keeps forgetting which one comes next. And working with her on the days of the week and learning about what day yesterday was and what day tomorrow will be. We spend about 30 minutes in the morning on everything. I don't want it to be too rigid since I know we will have the next 15+ years to do formal work. Just keeping it light and fun.
Here are some more pictures from our trip this summer. Sorry it has taken so long to post. I have so many more in my camera that I need to get on the computer.
This is the first time in a long time I caught a REAL smile from Samantha!Then I got another...
Back to pouty lips
But then yet another smile! My lucky day!
Ah yes, big sisters always have to do all the work...
So sweet!
Just ate...look at that belly pooch!
Just a happy little boy
Yup, still happy
Look what new thing I can do ma!
Enjoying a hay ride...they absolutely loved it
Pictures from Duluth and the North Shore coming soon!
Posted by Melissa at 12:10 PM 0 comments