Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Whew, don't want to go through yesterday again!

As you can tell, I had a pretty hard day yesterday. Someone (and most of the time more than 1) was always screaming, crying, whining, etc the WHOLE day. I don't think I'm exaggerating much either. There wasn't a moment I had to myself, from 7 am to 10 pm, since Elijah has decided to forgo naps...well, unless I'm holding him of course. If I dare put him down you would think I was beating the poor thing. I've never heard him scream so hard and loud before until yesterday, all day. At night he nursed for at least an hour and a half until I finally got him to sleep around 10:00. So yeah, talk about sore.

So yeah, by the time the girls' bedtime rolled around I was coming unglued. My head was just throbbing and my patience had long disappeared. I just hate myself when I get like that. I ended up just crying myself to sleep.

Around 2:00 this morning I heard him spit up. Like it actually woke me from my sleep. I laid there for a minute thinking, that was weird, usually there isn't a noise when he spits up. I went to check on him and he was absolutely soaked, half the crib was soaked. I have no clue how much that poor boy threw up, but I have never seen anything like it. I got him rinsed off, changed his clothes, and just brought him back to me because honestly, I just didn't feel like changing his sheet at that moment. About an hour later, same thing. He started gagging and then before I knew it, I was covered. Luckily nothing got on our bed though just on me. So I make sure he's cleaned off, change my shirt and back to bed we go. He never had a fever or anything so I wonder if that hour and a half session really did him in. He didn't act sick today either, thank goodness!

I just can't get past this no sleeping deal though. He sleeps at night just fine but trying to get him to sleep during the daytime is becoming a bit taxing. 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there. No wonder he is such a crank at night.

Luckily today was much better. Still no sleeping during the day, but at least it wasn't everyone having a bad day all on the same day. I can deal with 1 or 2 at a time, but when all 3 are having it bad....oi. Hopefully it won't happen again any time soon.