It's hard to believe today I am 21 weeks. There are times I get so busy with the kiddos that I forget I'm even pregnant. Today I had my "big" ultrasound and everything looks wonderful so far. The baby is right on target and luckily it was a 3-vessel cord instead of a 2-vessel cord like last time. That means I won't have any extra appointments! I think I would have a nervous breakdown if I had to go back to 2 appointments a week for the next 19 weeks. I feel I can actually take it easy this time and I really think that will help with the stress level. I was a mess during Elijah's pregnancy because I was having to go in twice a week for monitoring and the girls weren't allowed in the specialist office. It was really difficult trying to set things up so someone was here when I had to go in. So yeah, HUGE relief!
So you are probably wondering what this little one will be...
...It's a baby! lol Sorry guys, didn't find out the sex! We will find out in about 19 weeks. =)
10 years ago
Congrats on your... baby! It's easy to take healthy for granted until you have a reason to worry. Then, healthy feels like the miracle it is. Here's to a healthy 19 more weeks and a healthily delivered baby and mommy!
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