Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sick and tired

I'm tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Sigh. It has been a rough 4 weeks and I shudder to think I still have 3+ more weeks of this.

My house is a disaster. I do what is absolutely necessary each day but don't have the energy beyond that. The exhaustion hits me like a bag of bricks. And of course Elijah and the girls are on completely opposite napping schedules since Eli still has 2 naps a day. So...that means no naps and no resting for me.

Yesterday was especially rough. I woke up throwing up and felt terrible the rest of the day. Today has been better, though I still don't feel great.

And I hate throwing up.

I just can't wait until I am done with the 1T and I hopefully will no longer be sick.


Anonymous said...

OMg, congrats on yet another addition...it's been so long since i've been checking out blogs...and look here you have a boy and another baby on the way...i hope you are feeling better soon...take care.


Hua said...

I hope you feel better soon! I know it can't be easy, especially with two little ones.

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