Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Still waiting

It has been almost 4 months since the church we really want to go to contacted us to let us know their preaching position would be open. We are still no closer to finding out anything. He wrote us at the beginning of February and let Chris know that he would be contacting us soon as they wanted to set up a phone interview for this month or the beginning of next. After 3 weeks Chris finally emailed to let them know this week would work great as he is out of classes. He just wrote back to let him know that they aren't quite ready yet. I'm really really working on my patience as I know it is a weakness of mine but I just don't get it. How are they not even ready for a phone interview yet, after 4 months? The elder has said it will be just a quick call to just talk about basic doctrinal questions. I could understand more if they weren't ready for him to come up there yet to tryout. But not even ready for a phone interview? It's just so incredibly frustrating. It is so hard to be patient when I have thought about this place literally every day since they day he told us they would be hiring. It's just driving me nuts!

We are getting down to about 3 months until Chris graduates too. Time is ticking by and it is so scary to think about him not having a job by the time he graduates. I mean, come September we will be a family of 6. I don't even think it's legal to have 6 people living in a 2 bedroom apartment and if he doesn't have a job we can't afford to rent a house.

So yeah, just lots of emotions and restless nights. I am just ready to be done with it all ready. I'm just ready to know something instead of being in this limbo land. I know it will all fall into place. I do. Just sometimes the worries come through. And like I said above, right now it is just more about the frustration.

We know we have a huge advantage. We also know that as of right now Chris is the only applicant. And they haven't put the ad up anywhere besides their church page, and it isn't even on the first page, you have to click through some things. Just makes me want to scream JUST HIRE HIM ALL READY!!! lol

Patience, patience, patience, and trusting God. That's what it all boils down to.