Friday, April 17, 2009

Something no breastfeeding mom wants to hear

The word mastitis. As in, you have mastitis. As in, I have mastitis.

Talk about horrible! On Wednesday night at church I fed Elijah and noticed my breast still felt like it had a spot that was full. I just chalked it up to he just didn't eat as much. At about 10 pm I started feeling kind of yucky, then at 11 pm the body aches stared. I took my temp right after this and before I went to bed and I had no fever yet. I didn't sleep well at all. I couldn't get warm, my body was so incredibly achy, and my breast was killing me. I got up with Elijah at about 3:30 am and could barely carry him back to my bed to feed him. I was suppose to be heading to my sisters yesterday but when I woke up, I told Chris we weren't going and that I felt horrible. I called the doctor right at 8:00 am but it took until 3:00 to get a call back. I figured it was mastitis but didn't know if I should take anything, so I didn't. As the day went on my temp got higher and maxed out at 103.9. Chris said it was the worst he has ever seen me. Guess my looks matched how I felt! Luckily his professors let him take the day off to help me with everything. Not sure what I would have done otherwise because I could barely get out of bed.

So, today I feel better but not great. Still tired and weak. I forgot to take some Tylenol for quite a few hours and my temp started creeping back up again. I'm on antibiotics too. I sure hope this gets better pretty quickly and that I have no reoccurances! I definitely don't want to go through this again. I felt like I was hit by a truck yesterday.

I also had a yeast issue going on in the same breast last week. I was put on meds for that as was Elijah, even though he showed no signs of thrush. I have no idea if it was related or not.