Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

We have had such a great 4th of July weekend. We had a get together on Friday night with people from church and shot off fireworks. Exhausting, but definitely fun. Then we got to get up nice and early this morning where we headed to a parade. Again, had a lot of fun. We got to ride on a float and support our fellow brother in Christ during his run for House rep. It was so great seeing the response from the people in the crowd as well. I was surprised how many people clapped and cheered. Makes me think we may just be able to get the House and Senate a little more balanced out. Fingers crossed!

I am just so thankful that we have the freedoms that we have. I'm thankful for the men and women who fought to give us these freedoms and I hope that none of us take advantage of this. I am also so very thankful for those who are still fighting to ensure not only our freedom but those in other countries as well.

I have pictures from the parade, but I'm really, really tired and so I'm not going to get them off of my camera tonight. Hopefully will post them tomorrow.

I hope all of you also had a wonderful holiday!