Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Holy growth spurt batman

Chris and I both were thinking yesterday that it didn't seem like Elijah was as chunky as he had been. I wondered if he had gone through a growth spurt and so I got the tape measure out. Sure enough, in the last 2 1/2 weeks, he has grown 1 1/4 inches! So I guess that was a resounding YES.

We have been noticing that he is trying to crawl. Seriously. He isn't even 5 months yet. He can push his entire chest up, get his legs underneath him, and lurch forward a bit. Or, he just curls up his toes while on his belly and will scootch forward that way. I am so not ready for crawling. He isn't suppose to be starting this for a few more months. Why can't my babies just like to be babies for awhile. Sigh. It just goes way to fast. If he doesn't do that, he will just roll to wherever he wants to go.


Misi said...

Hi! I found you thru MckMama.. I was just wondering what website is posting horrible things about her? I dont want to upset her by asking but I am curious as to whats going on??
AND I love your blog:-) Its so refreshing to read and your family is beautiful. You are right when you say Blessed doesn't even begin to describe it!