Thursday, August 6, 2009

5 months, where does the time go?

Today, just 5 short months ago, sweet little Elijah came into this world. It's such a strange feeling, and one I no doubt have blogged about before. The feeling of I can't believe it has only been 5 months (as in, that was fast), and also the feeling of it has really ONLY been 5 months (as in, it feels like he has been with us forever). I know I have felt this way with all 3 of them. He is really in a fun phase right now where he is rolling everywhere but not mobile enough for me to have to keep an insane watch on him.

I can't remember where I found the milestones list that I had when we was 4 months and quite honestly, I'm too tired to look now. Here' s a little list though. Obviously he is rolling both stomach to back and back to stomach, and does it to get from point A to point B. He is also able to kind of scootch forward if something is a little out of reach. His eyesight is absolutely spot on. He can see me or his bottle from across the room. He also sees small objects. He has no problems at all grabbing for his toys and will switch them from one hand to the other. He absolutely loves to play with his toes and loves sucking on them. I have lots of pictures of it. He loves to babble too, along with smiling. He has a smile just like Faith, where his whole face with light up...eyes and all. And he is smiling all the time. He is still insanely ticklish and loves to be kissed (which I obviously don't mind!!!). He is just such a lovable little boy.

On this trip I have really realized that I have been underestimating Faith. The thins she can help with, I never even thought she could do. When we get back home I'm going to start letting her help me cook and set the table. Until we got here where we have been visiting the past few weeks did I know how much she loves to set the table. Well ok little lady, have at it!!! She is just becoming this big girl.

And my dear little Samantha. Turning 2 has been hard on her! She has definitely become more stubborn. I was finally able to catch her with a smile on camera. I will upload them all tomorrow since it is still on my camera. She is letting me kiss on her more now though, so no complaints here! She is just in that phase where you're not sure what you are going to get. Still hasn't been as hard as when Faith was going through the 2-year phase. It absolutely kills me the things she can say now and it just makes me laugh to hear her talk.

I can't even begin to describe how blessed I am. I never want to try to imagine my life without any of these 3 little souls. Even on the hardest of days. They are such a joy and light in my life.

Now I have to admit something. It is absolutely crazy. Crazy. C-R-A-Z-Y. I'm crazy for thinking it. There are 2 couples here at the church who are having babies. Actually, 1 of them I do believe are going to have one tonight. It made me yearn to be pregnant again and go through it all over again. Did I mention crazy??? I thought it would take a lot longer to have this feeling again since my pregnancy with Elijah was so hard and then with all the breastfeeding woes. I seriously thought it would take at LEAST until Eli was a year to miss it. There is just absolutely no way we can even think about trying right now. None. Not gonna happen. We have to wait until Chris is done with school, or at least close to being done. It was so hard on both of us this last time. I was so sick, Chris had to pick up on stuff that I didn't have the energy to get through, along with trying to keep up with his own school stuff. It was just way to much on the both of us. Plus, I want to enjoy Elijah as the baby for awhile. I think the spacing with Samantha and Eli is perfect and wouldn't mind that same gap again. Of course I'm speaking on this with the hopes that 1) I'm able to get pregnant again, and 2) that I don't go through another round of miscarriages.

Still, we aren't even going to start trying until March of next year. I wonder though if it's normal. Do women who are done having kids still feel this way? Wish they could go through it again? Eh, who knows!

OK, guess I'm done for now. I wasn't expecting this to turn out so long.

These pics were from the middle of July, before we left on our trip, although I have more in my camera of him chomping away at his toes.

Did I mention he REALLY likes to suck on his toes?


Lisa said...

That is so cute! Chloe Jo hasn't discovered her feet yet.

I really miss being pregnant,too. I would love to get back on the TTC bandwagon, but I want to breastfeed Chloe Jo until she's a year. Plus, we can't really do that until Russ gets a job. So it looks like we are waiting until April of next year to start trying again. Boo. I guess I said all of that to tell you that I understand where you are coming from.

Hope everything is going well in the north.