Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good book for the soul

Elijah just has not been sleeping well at all this past week. I don't know what is going on. Hopefully he will get back on schedule!

I've been reading this great book, "Spiritual Mothering". I actually bought it because I was looking for books to give me ideas on raising Christian children. It wasn't even close to that though. It was about older women being "spiritual mothers" to younger women. To being a great role model and really helping and motivating younger women. It has been a really motiviational book and has really opened my eyes to some things.

It really made me realize that this is what I was yearning for as a new, young Christian woman. I could never put to words what I was hungry for, but while reading this book I was reading exactly what I had wanted and needed but was never able to find. I never had a strong Christian older woman to help me grow, to show me how to be a better Christian woman, wife, and mother. I certainly don't have that in my own family nor do I have a good role model for a mother seeing how my own mother doesn't fit the bill.

Maybe that's why some of those websites I found that I talked about in the previous post really hit home. There were women living how I knew I should be but wasn't sure how. I was able to see first hand how to do it and to see it was possible to be the homemaker I wanted to be. Is that an odd thing to say? I want to be a great homemaker? But it's true. I want to be able to pass on these great skills to my own children.

And while I don't think I quite qualify as a young christian woman anymore, I was able to see what kind of effect it can have on someone if I take that role. How I can help someone grow stronger as a Christian. It's just really weird being at this age because I'm not exactly a young Christian yet I'm not an older Christian either. I'm somewhere in this middle ground.

Am I making any sense to anyone or am I just sounding like a big rambling mess?