Friday, August 21, 2009

Busy little bee

It has been a busy last few weeks. It was decided that we would head back home a week earlier than planned. We were told they were just exhausted from having us (they were 70+). Not quiet sure if I believe that though because the only time we came upstairs was to go outside or if they were eating or if I had to give them a bath. The rest of the time we stayed downstairs in the basement. It was hard staying with people you don't know for a length of time. I just always felt like I was in the way or was disturbing someone. I just hope I didn't do anything. I don't want something I did to look bad upon Chris or the person who recommend us for the internship. They talked to Chris about us leaving on Wednesday and I hurried and packed up everything and we left Thursday morning. They did ask that we not be offended and that we could stay for a few days if we wanted, but I don't stay where I'm not wanted. I hate to say but it sure did bring up some bad memories of being kicked out at 17 (for no reason other than my mom found out it was legal and she wanted to move to another city to be closer to her boyfriend) and a lot of feelings of self-consciousness. Who knows, maybe they really were just tired.

We had a great time up in Minnesota though and met some wonderful people who I hope will always be friends.

On Monday Chris will be starting back to school. It's nice to know that this is his last year but we are all going to miss seeing much of him for the next 10 months. It will be back to being like a single mom. =( I miss having him as my partner and the girls miss him terribly too. BUT this is his last year and so every day is one step closer, every day is a "last". It will be his last first quarter, his last time he will have a class on so-and-so day, etc. And THAT is so exciting. The thing I'm not so excited about is trying to find a job. He thinks he is going to start looking in Jan of next year so hopefully that will give him some time. We are both just really nervous that he won't have anything yet by the time he graduates in June. I mean, we have 3 children and the thought of no money coming in makes me sick to my stomach. Ugh! I keep telling myself to just trust in God and He will take care of us. I absolutely know this is true but at the same time I struggle to let go of control.

I just know that nothing ever is easy for us. We have been together for 11 years and everything is always the hard way. It's nothing knew, but it's just frustrating when you see others with everything just drop in their laps. It's tough when its someone who you see on a daily basis. Like someone he goes to school with got a job he didn't even know he was trying out for when he doesn't graduate for another year. I can't even imagine having that burden lifted knowing that Chris had a job after he graduated before the last year even began. I am really happy for him and his family, and for the congregation he will be preaching for as he is a great preacher all ready, I just hope this isn't another time for us to be having to take the hard road. I just wish things would come easily for us for a change. Whine whine whine! Ok, I'm over it. No more whining!

So, that's where we are. I'm just trying to get some things done around the house while I still have an extra set of hands, things that probably won't get done again until he is done with school. Which hopefully won't need to be done then either because we will be packing to move.. ;-)