Saturday, September 19, 2009

Musings of a 3 year old

Here is how our conversation went yesterday:

Faith: Mama, I prayed to God in my bed.

Me: That's very good Faith. It makes God very happy when we pray to him.

Faith: Yeah. I asked him if you could have a boy and a girl.

Me: Me just about dying asked God if I could have TWINS?!?

Faith: Yeah, that way they could play together in your belly.

Ah yes, the wisdom of a 3 year old. I would hate for a baby in my belly to not have a playmate! I'm thinking we don't need to be reading the Dora book where her mom has B/G twins anymore!


Anonymous said...

Sorry that it has been so long since I have checked in on you. I love the new site! I can't believe how big the girls are getting and that the baby is is already 1/2 a year.

Take care!