Friday, February 26, 2010

Goodbye 1st Trimester!

Today I am officially out of the first trimester. I also go to see my OB today. Am I nervous? Uh YEAH! I always hate my appointments during the 1T. I have no reason to be nervous, but you just never know. Maybe something did happen to the baby and my body just isn't registering it yet. I've known plenty of women who went into an appointment thinking everything was fine and dandy and then boom, they can't find the heartbeat. You would think after having 3 beautiful, healthy children that the fears would go away. Not so much. My appointment isn't until 1:00 too so lots of time to think about it. At least I'm bringing the girls to a gym to play with some of their friends though. That will hopefully take my mind off of it.

My morning sickness has started going away which I am so thankful for. I still don't feel great for about 30 min in the morning and I'm still feeling bad later at night when I start getting really tired (about 9pm) but that is a walk in the park compared to how I've felt the last 8 weeks. I have so much cleaning to do in this apartment now though. It's been pretty neglected the last 8 weeks and I've been doing just enough to get by. Yesterday I got the kitchen scrubbed pretty good, except the fridge and the floors. Today I won't be able to get much done.

Granted I have pretty good motivation. I have family coming over next weekend for Elijah's first birthday. I'm trying to do a little bit each day. Our bathrooms need a major cleaning, floors need to be washed, fridge needs to be cleaned, things need to be dusted, food needs to be made. Ugh! Not sure if I'm feeling THAT much better yet.