Monday, November 9, 2009

Down in spirits

I don't know what is wrong with me. I've been battling this feeling for the past week. Down in spirits kind of feeling. I'm bone tired for absolutely no reason, which doesn't help. Or is perhaps the culprit. Not really sure.

I'm sleeping just fine at night. Friday night I was actually in bed before 9:00. And I slept until 6:30. And I was still exhausted. I tell you what, if I hadn't just had AF a few weeks ago and if I was nausous, I would actually think I was pregnant. That's how exhausted I am. Yes, I know I'm not pregnant, just in case that's what you are thinking. No, I will not be taking a test. Like I said, I had full blown AF just 2 weeks ago, that lasted the customary 7+ days, and I'm not sick.

It just has me feeling very grumpy, impatient, and just down.

I wish I knew what was wrong with me.

I hate feeling this way.


Lisa said...

Yuck. Hope you feel better soon. Maybe the young marrieds get together will cheer you up some.

I have 7+ day AF, too. Boo! It's the worst!