Monday, June 22, 2009


I have meant to write a post about baby wearing, I just never did. I just absolutely love my Maya Wrap. It goes just about everywhere with me, especially if it is me alone with all 3 kiddos. I got it when Faith was a baby, hardly ever used it because I didnt' spend the time to figure it out, didn't really need it with Samantha she was such a content baby, but with Elijah it has been a life saver. And he loves it too! The last picture I have is from the beginning of May. I am now able to carry him on my hip using this wrap. He doesn't like the kangaroo carry and so I don't use that one. Guess I should take another picture soon.

Ballgame on 4/25

From 5/11

Side View

See, nice and comfy!

From 5/15


Jess said...

I could never get the hang of the one-shoulder wraps for long periods of time; I couldn't get the weight distributed across my back. I do have a solarveil sling that I use in the water.

However, I love my babyhawk mei-tai now, and adored my stretchy moby-style wrap when she was littler!