Thursday, June 18, 2009


That pretty much describes the last week and a half of my life. Things have been nuts. Last week was the end of Chris's official school year. That means that I had a ton of notes to type up for him by Thursday. Of course Elijah wasn't cooperating and every time I sat down to type he would wake up. As you can imagine, it is a bit difficult to type while holding a baby. From Monday to Wednesday I was up past midnight. Of course I was also getting blasted by work. The guy I work for, who I usually barely get 2 hours a week of work all of a sudden kept sending more and more work. THEN my sister sent me work to proofread. It wouldn't have been so bad if Chris hadn't taken the laptop with him to Michigan over the weekend. I had no choice but to get it all done by Friday at noon.

While Chris was in Michigan meeting with a congregation, I went down to my dad's to visit. It's always easier on the girls to be away from home when daddy is gone. Gets their minds on other things. Chris and I both got back on Monday, we relaxed Tuesday, and then went camping on Wednesday.

We love to camp, but it's getting harder and harder. Not because of the children, but because of the completely rude, inconsiderate people who now go camping. There were only 2 people camping, us and 1 other tent. It's actually why we like to go camping midweek. The other tent showed up on Wednesday evening and just started blasting their car radio. Chris had just started walking over there to ask them to turn it down but a county cop drove by at that time and told them to turn it down. It didn't last long though. They kept it up (well, quieter than before but still loud) until 4 in the morning. I know it's crazy, but we actually like the SERENITY of camping. Time before last, some people across from us sat up all night playing their quitar and singing (well, shouting actually). 99% of the time it was Your Love by Outfield. From about 2 in the afternoon until, well, the wee hours of the morning. Over and over and over. I overhead them talking the next morning about that night, meaning they were staying, so we packed up and went home. They have all had camping attendants but apparently they don't care enough to do something about it.

So that about sums up the last few weeks. I have to upload the pics from my camera and will post pictures soon!