Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2 months, already!

On the one hand I can't believe it has already been 2 months, on the other hand I can't believe it has only been 2 months. I'm not sure if it is possible for time to both speed up and stop and the same time, but it sure does feel like it.

Elijah is growing just amazingly. I won't know exactly how much until his check-up tomorrow morning, but I know it has been pretty big. He just seem so long. He is starting to go through spurts where he doesn't want to be put down. Some days he will sleep really well, other days he will only sleep for 20 minutes at a time, and then doesn't want to be put down because he is cranky, because he is tired. It's the times that I can't hold him and he cries out that just kill me. Obviously not a whole lot I can do when I'm in the middle of changing Samantha's poopy diaper. His sleeping habits at night are starting to become a noticeable routine. He is a night owl and won't go to sleep until 10:30 or so. He will then sleep until 3 or 4, then wakes again around 6. After the 6:00 feeding he always gets really gasses and will grunt and groan until about 7, when he finally is able to relieve the pressure...then he falls back to sleep.

I love to be greeted in the mornings by his wonderful smile. OK, love isn't quite the word for it. He is always in such a good mood when he first wakes up.

Ah, my sweet little boy!