Friday, May 1, 2009


Things I need to stop doing:

Putting myself down. I'm not sure why I do it. I've always done it just jokingly but I never thought about how it comes out to other people. I think Chris started doing it when we started dating, just jokingly and just to get a rise out of me...particularly with my nose. Well, after 11 years (how is it possible that 11 years have gone by already???) I guess it just comes second nature and I didn't even think about how it sounded until yesterday when someone asked me about it.

I also just realized how it comes out to other people when I do this with our children. Describing their own features by putting myself down, inadvertently putting them down as well. I have always said it jokingly, but I need to stop doing it period. I love every single inch of all 3 babes. I don't want to keep doing it and then them end up being self-conscious about it, when really they were always perfect.

I never want them to feel self-conscious about anything. I never want them to judge themselves or others by looks.