Thursday, April 9, 2009

A new blog home

Ah, home sweet home. It was time for a change. I'm a different person than I was when I started my first blog. I wanted a fresh new start. If you wanted to take a look at the past, please feel free to do so HERE.

Just beware, I was in a pretty dark phase in my life when I started it. It was a huge outlet for me.

Now, I have an amazing family and I want to keep a journal on the raising of our children. We are so very blessed with all God has given us, yet we deserve none of it.

Faith is 3 1/2, Samantha just turned 2, and Elijah is 1 month. We have a crazy life, one that I wouldn't trade for the world. I would take my worst day with 3 children over my best day with no children any day. We struggled to start our family, have had many miscarriages, but now have our beautiful children. Life doesn't get any better.

Chris is going to school right now to become a preacher. He has a little over a year left. We have had amazing support from churches all of the US who have made this possible. It has been a tough struggle, but it is only temporary. I try to do everything I can around the house and with the children so he can focus first and foremost on his studies. His studies often takes his time away from us, but we know it is only temporary and the outcome will be worth it.