Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Things I wanted to type last night but was too tired

There was a lot I wanted to write yesterday but I didn't get a chance to blog until 11:30 pm. So yeah, I wanted to sleep more than I wanted to blog but I at least wanted to get my birthday down.

He started smiling on Sunday! I thought he had been doing it throughout the week, but I just wasn't sure. On Sunday though it was obvious. I can't believe he will be 2 months next week. He is quite the chunker! His reflux issues seem to have gotten much better and doesn't spit up nearly as often. He has also been cooing, which I absolutely love!

Her imagination has just taken off. She makes up these worlds of her own and she loves to sing, making up her own words with a familiar tune. It is absolutely hilarious the things she comes up with. She has been much more helpful that I would have thought. While we still have tiffs between Faith and Samantha, depending on the day (they have bad days just like us adults) she will also sit and teach Samantha different things and really engage her in play. She holds a pen like an adult, which is the only thing her PAT instructor could tell us to work with her on. That was last month, and she now does it all the time. She loves to draw and paint and is finally starting to draw real pictures.

She is starting to potty train! She went to the potty a few times before, but yesterday was a really good day. She had her diaper off all morning until her nap and never peed on the floor. Last night before bed she said she had to use the potty and so I went ahead and took off her diaper. Sure enough, she went. Hopefully she will be out of diapers soon! She isn't afraid of strangers at all, like Faith still is and will talk to anyone. It still amazes me on how different Faith and Samantha are. We are working with her on how to pedal her tricycle. She gets frustrated though and will just push herself along.

I'm still having some problems breastfeeding. I have absolutely no idea what is going on anymore. The LC thought I had another yeast infection in my breast. I had to put Eli back on oral Nystatin, I took a one time pill, used Monistat on my nipples, as directed, but nothing was working. She also told me to try using Gentian Violet because that helps in almost all cases. I wanted to use that as a last resort though because it turns his mouth purple. Since nothing else was working and I was still in pain, I started using it Sunday night. I read that you are suppose to use it for 3 days. If it hasn't helped by then, it isn't a yeast infection and to call the OB. Well, it has helped with some of my symptoms but not all. I am still having a very painful latch on (this started just a few weeks ago) and I'm still having burning. It just, I don't know, hurts. It's hard to explain. So maybe I had thrush also, but I still have something else going on. It is all happening only on my right side. It is so beyond frustrating.

It is still hard to wrap my head around the fact that I am a mother of three. After my last miscarriage I didn't think I would be able to have anymore. While I would love a large family, I was also ok if I only had Faith and Samantha. Especially thinking back just a few short years ago when I didn't think I would be able to have any children. After the last miscarriage my doctor told me there were tests we could run to see why it keeps happening, but that they were expensive. I told him if I hadn't been able to have children yet I most definitely would have, but that I had 2 beautiful daughters and that I was at peace if pregnancy didn't happen again. I politely declined. But then my beautiful Elijah came along!

There are so many nights when I peep into his crib before I head to bed myself and I just want to scoop him up and bring him to bed with me so I can cuddle with him. I don't, of course, but the urge is overwhelming. I guess it shouldn't surprise me though because I still have these feelings with the girls. I either want to crawl into bed with them or when they come into our room at night I just want to put them in our bed. I've let them crawl into our bed before and the outcome isn't good (multiple wakings at night when them coming into our room and wanting to sleep with us) though so I now always bring them back to their bed. When we did let them in bed with us, neither Chris nor I got any sleep.

Anywho, there is still more floating around in my head but there are things that need to be done. I really should have been working instead of typing. Oops!