Thursday, April 9, 2009


(Pulled over from old blog)

I have had a few lessons in the last few days. I have been asking God for patience but I don't think I have been listening when the practical application came into play. But a few days ago I have made a resolution. It's not a New Year's type of know, the one that you make and then a few weeks or perhaps even a few months later you are back to your old tricks. No, this is a life resolution. A few days ago I finally realized the woman I need to be to strengthen my children in the Lord, the woman I need to be to be an encouragement to my husband, and the woman I need to be to be pleasing to God. I think I have been failing at all aspects. What prompted this...I was starting to see myself in my daughter. Kind of hard to keep denying it when you come face to face with it...and I don't like what I see.

I am learning to be more calm not only when dealing with my children but also with the world. I have to first and foremost be an example to my children. How can I teach them to be patient when I am not showing it myself? How can I teach them to let God have control of your life when I have been fighting it? It has been exhausting fighting it and trying to always be in control.

So I started the week with this new found epiphany of sorts. How has my week been so far? Amazing. I am working on giving my life completely over to God, which is something I should have figured out a long time ago. I am admittedly stubborn. I have been praying more, doing more of my personal reading, and truly giving grace to have Him lead me in my life. I have been a calmer person. I have been treating my children differently, which has also resulted in a shift of behavior. Do they still throw fits? Of course, but I have been dealing with them calmly. I don't doubt this has been a change in the positive for them as their behaviors have become more positive. It has also surprisingly given me more energy as well. All my burdens are not mine alone to bear and that is a huge weight lifted off of me.

Quite interestingly, we had a Bible study last night where the man teaching also spoke of this. As was stated, "you can be conquered or you can conquer". At least something like that. And you know what, I have been conquered by life's situations long enough.

I have been thanking God ever since for finally allowing the scales from my eyes to be loosened. Does my attitude give grace to God? Something I have been asking myself throughout each day.


Carie said...

This is a powerful beautiful post. This is a discussion I have with myself often and I have not yet found the strength to change myself the way you are chaning yourself. You are an inspiration! God Bless.